Hi! I'm Katherine, and I'm so happy you've made your way to my website. I want to share something a bit vulnerable, because I think that's the best way for you to get to know me.

For most of my early to mid-twenties, I felt completely lost. I struggled with anxiety, lack of focus, and control over my emotions. I didn't know who I was or what was important to me. I wasn't proud of many decisions I was making, and I was partying too much. I was looking to external sources for validation and happiness. I wasn't exercising or treating my body well, and I didn't know my purpose. And I had no clarity on how to begin changing any of this. I felt stuck.

Then, I walked into a yoga class. This was the door to an entirely new relationship with my body and mind, and an ongoing journey learning about mindful movement, health, wellness, spirituality, anatomy, energy, and how they all connect.

At first, I couldn't touch my toes. I couldn't complete a Pilates set or run a mile without stopping to catch my breath. Now I can do splits, run a 10k, and hold a plank for two minutes.

I transformed so much, and realized that this was just the beginning. When I became more flexible physically, I noticed I had also become more mentally and emotionally flexible. When I increased my physical strength, I also had more strength in other areas of my life.

I was led to the beauty of a life where I prioritize self-growth and transformation, mindfulness, fitness, creativity, writing, genuine connections, always learning more, healthy boundaries, and gratitude for the world around me.

While your exact journey will look different than mine, because we're each here to bring different perspectives and magic to the world, I want the same magnitude of metamorphosis for you.